• Basic Information

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  • About me
    My name is Rahel, I am 18 years old and I live in Binningen near Basel, Switzerland. I live together with my older sister Carmen (20), my younger brother Jonas (16) and my parents Nadja and Martin who are both physiotherapists. I am in the last year of my schooltime at the Rudolf Steiner School in Basel. In Juin I have my final exams to finish the Rudolf Steiner School. Mid of August I will start with preparing for the Swiss Matura in 2019. When I will pass Matura I will study medicine in Switzerland. I love to take care of children, i can help with the houskeeping or gardening. I also love all sorts of pets especially dogs and horses. I do not smoke.
    In my freetime i often play handball, go climbing and I play saxophone in a little band and in an orchestra. In winter I do snowboarding.
    Once a week I work in a medical fitness center at the reception to earn a little money and to make new experiences.
    Between the age of 12 and 17 I looked regurlary after the son of a friend and my younger cousins. For about two years I led a group of 10 kids between 5 and 8 years in gymnastics. I assisted three times in a summer horseback riding camp with Children between 7 and 12 years. When I was 15 I lived three weeks on a farm with the family with four children and alot of animals. I took care of the children and helped the farmers with their farmwork.
    I love to take care of children and I want to imoprove my English skills thats why I think an Au Pair job is a perfect combination of these two things.

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