Au-pair in Germany
- Published in Aupair in Deutschland
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Au pairs are young people who live in time as a family member with a host family and help with childcare and household chores.
The au pair stay serves to deepen the language skills of native language and get to know the culture of the host country.
The essential criteria for an au pair job in Germany are:
- Minimum age at the beginning of employment in principle 18, in respect of nationals of the EU / EEA countries and Switzerland 17 years; Minors need a written consent of the legal representatives
- The age limit for au pairs is 27 years. This may not be achieved when applying for residence permits / EU work permit
- Integration into the host family,
- Participation especially in light household chores and childcare, including babysitting (total principle no more than 6 hours a day and 30 hours a week),
- Granting at least one day off per week (at least once a month falls on a Sunday) and, at least four free evenings per week
- Exemption for language courses, practice their religion, cultural events and field trips,
- financial contribution from the host family of 50 euros a month for attending German language courses
- paid holiday of 4 weeks (with a shorter activity than one year: 2 working days per full month)
- Insurance by the host family in case of illness, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as an accident
- Payment of a sum as pocket money regardless of the length of housework time (currently 260 Euro per month)
- Au Pair employees are not subject to compulsory social insurance. Health insurance (incl. Accident insurance) must be submitted. Applying for a company number is not required for the host families
- Adequate housing (basically own room in the family home) and meals by the host family
- A written contract on the mutual rights and obligations